Policies and Procedures


St John Ambulance Australia (NSW) will ensure that qualified and experienced trainers are used to conduct all training courses. Trainers will present approved course material to meet the appropriate standards. Assessments will be conducted in a fair, objective and consistent manner to determine a person's level of competency. Course content and learning outcomes will vary according to the course type and duration.

Enrolment Conditions

Access to all courses is subject to:

  • Availability
  • Minimum and/or maximum enrolments in the class may be required

Course Delivery Includes:

  • Alternative course times and dates
  • A second assessment if competencies were not achieved at the first assessment
  • Assessment of support needs. This includes access to educational and support services to meet needs when undertaking training programs
  • Client support arrangements for persons with language or literacy difficulties. This can be negotiated prior to the commencement of training
  • A Statement of Attendance will be supplied if the student is unable to achieve course competencies

Access and Equity (Special Needs)

The objective of the Access and Equity Policy for St John (NSW) is to ensure that the community has equitable access to, and involvement in, training and assessment. This is achieved through non-discriminatory procedures which allow access for all members of the community. St John (NSW) will make reasonable adjustments to ensure students have equal access to training and assessment.

Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)

St John (NSW) understands the importance of skills in English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) and recognises that many adults do not have the LLN skills they need to effectively participate in training and workplace communication. Like our Access and Equity Statement, students with language, literacy and numeracy concerns should be able to receive all the benefits of training and assessment.

Students with LLN skill needs should contact St John (NSW) before their course so we can provide them with the relevant tailored opportunities to complete their learning and assessment requirements when attending our courses. Students should also speak to their trainer before the course starts if they have any LLN needs they wish to discuss.

Assessment and Reassessment

The objective of the Assessment Policy for St John (NSW) is to ensure that we provide consistent quality assessment practices and work to continuously improve these practices.


Learners who have been deemed NOT YET COMPETENT in an initial assessment may apply for reassessment within a six week timeframe from the date of the course free of charge. Where appropriate the Learner will be advised in writing of the reassessment process.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)/Credit Transfer

St John (NSW) recognises first aid qualifications or certificates issued by other Registered Training Organisations (RTO's) in Australia. Qualifications and certificates outside of Australia will require assessment. This assessment is to be carried out in accordance with training protocols and may incur a fee.

Complaints and Appeals

Individuals and students have the right to seek redress if they have a complaint or feel they have been unfairly treated. The procedure to follow is:

  • Discuss the grievance with the trainer at the time of the course

If the resolution is unsatisfactory or requires further action:

  • A written complaint can be sent via email or letter to the TQM.
  • Complaints or appeals are recorded in the Complaints Register and are actioned within 20 working days of receipt by the TQM

Access to Training Records

Students can obtain information about their training records by contacting our Customer Service team on 1300 ST JOHN or email to customer.service@stjohnnsw.com.au

Workplace Health and Safety

St John (NSW) has a responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for their employees, customers and visitors. Under the Work Health & Safety Legislation Act 2011, course participants also have certain responsibilities. These include:

  • Undertaking activities in a safe manner and following any emergency instructions given
  • Not putting themselves or anyone else at risk
  • Reporting an injury/illness or "near miss" to a trainer

Client Conduct: Students are expected to behave in a courteous manner. Failure to do so can result in being asked to leave the course.

Course Fees, Refunds and Transfer Policy


If you are unable to attend your course as originally booked, Public Training Course transfers can be made by contacting St John Customer Service on 1300 785 646 between 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday. Transfers which are made at least 5 business days in advance of the original booked course can be made free of charge. If a transfer request is made less than 5 business days of the original booked course, a $50.00
transfer fee will apply.

Refunds & Cancellations

To receive a full refund of course fees, cancellations must be made by contacting St John Customer Service on 1300 785 646 or emailing customer.service@stjohnnsw.com.au at least 5 business days prior to the
commencement of the course. Requests to cancel a booked course less than 5 business days prior to course commencement date will not be entitled to a refund of the course fees.

Workplace Group Onsite Training

For on-site Workplace Training Courses, cancellation or transfer fees will apply if the
course is cancelled or transferred to another date that is less than 5 business days’
notice before the course commencement date. A cancellation fee of 50% of the course
fees will apply. The notice of intent to cancel a booking must be sent by email to

For our full Training Terms and Conditions please click here: Terms and Conditions | St John Ambulance NSW (stjohnnsw.com.au).

Product/Kit delivery and Refund Policy

Goods will be delivered Monday to Friday during business hours only. Please allow up to seven (7) working days for delivery.

A signature will be required at the delivery address when receiving goods. Damaged or faulty products must be returned in original packaging within fourteen (14) days for replacement or refund. Title does not transfer until full payment is received.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is respected by St John (NSW). Information provided may be used in course administration and provided to training staff.

You will normally be reminded when your current certificate is due for renewal. You may also be provided with information about other St John (NSW) services including an annual Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) reminder.

To view our full External Privacy Policy please click here: St John Ambulance (NSW) – External Privacy Policy (2022).

If you do not want to receive this information, have privacy concerns or would like to verify information held about you, please contact the Privacy Officer on 1300 340 455 or email privacy@stjohnnsw.com.au.

Advertising Policy

St John (NSW) will market training and assessment services in an accurate, ethical and responsible manner. We ensure that all clients are provided with timely and necessary information prior to enrolment.

Our privacy policy ensures that written permission is obtained from participants before information is used in any marketing or promotional material.