Little First Aiders

The Little First Aiders eLearning platform provides fundamental first aid education to primary school students right across NSW through a range of videos, games and interactive activities.

Little First Aiders

The Little First Aiders eLearning platform provides fundamental first aid education to primary school students right across NSW through a range of videos, games and interactive activities.

Kids’ first aid course now offered online!

Our Little First Aiders program is offered online – so if your school is a little more remote, rural, or it’s difficult to organise in-person training, our new eLearning platform is ideal. All you need is internet access!

Register your school today for access to our Little First Aiders program:

  • You'll have access to the course from the 1st of the month, for the duration of that month
  • Interactive elements can bring the class together and help them stay engaged
  • As a teacher, there is no prior knowledge or experience required to run this program!

How does it work?

Step 1:  

Register online using the form below. You’ll need to choose your available month. You should receive a confirmation email from us once you’ve registered.  

Step 2: 

On the first day of the month, you’ll receive a login code and user guide. You’ll have access to the course for the entire calendar month.

Step 3: 

Log in to the course! You’ll need a teacher to facilitate, and it’s best to have it playing on one screen that all children can watch together. Complete the videos, activity book, games and quiz in the classroom.

Step 4: 

Test your skills in the playground! From practising how to call triple zero, to practicing DRSABCD in crosswords and find-a-words, students can practise and memorise their life-saving skills.

Step 5: 

Download the certificates! And remember – the activity workbooks are a great ongoing learning resource to refresh memories in the months and years ahead.

Step 6: 

In the final week of the month, you’ll receive a feedback form. Then your access is terminated on the final day of the month.

What type of skills are taught?

The program is specifically designed with the children’s learning in mind. It is interactive and fun while also imparting a key set of skills that will empower young people with the confidence and ability to act in an emergency.

Stage 1 (Kindergarten, Year 1 & 2)

Module 1 – Action Plan 1

Purpose: Introduction to the St John Ambulance Action Plan


  • Recognising an emergency
  • Calling triple zero in the event of an emergency

Module 4 – Cuts, Grazes and Nose Bleeds

Purpose: Educate students on the importance of bleeding control from cuts, grazes and nose bleeds and how to recognise and treat someone suffering from shock


  • Provide awareness and skills required to manage someone bleeding and how to clean a wound
  • Recognise and treat someone suffering from shock

Stage 2 (Year 3 & 4)


Module 2 - Action Plan 2

Purpose: Create a sound level of the St John Ambulance Action Plan and the Recovery Position


  • Knowledge of DRSAB
  • Performing the recovery position


Module 5 - Bites and Stings

Purpose: Provide an understanding of the different types of bites and stings and the important skills required to provide assistance to the various insect and creature bites or stings.


  • Recognise the different types of bites and stings
  • How to manage the different types of bites and stings


Module 6 - Asthma

Purpose: To educate students on the triggers, signs and symptoms and treatment for an asthma attack


  • Recognise someone having an asthma attack
  • Learn how to treat someone having an asthma attack

Stage 3 (Year 5 & 6)


Module 3 - Action Plan 3

Purpose: To introduce CPR to the Action Plan


  • Revision of DRSABC + Recovery Position
  • Learn how to perform CPR


Module 7 - Allergies and Anaphylaxis

Purpose: To educate students on triggers, signs and symptoms and treatment for someone suffering from an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis.


  • Recognition of someone suffering from an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis
  • How to treat someone suffering from anaphylaxis with an EpiPen


Module 8 - Burns

Purpose: To educate students on triggers, signs and symptoms and treatment for someone suffering from an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis.


  • Recognise the different types of burns
  • How to manage someone with a burn
  • Recognise someone in shock and how to treat them

"The students thoroughly enjoyed using the eLearning format and have had a lot of fun doing it. It has brought the class together and led to lots of great discussions. The beauty of the format is that teachers can deliver at a time that suits them. I’d highly recommend it to other schools".

- St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Riverwood


Register your school today!

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How do I register my school?

Please fill out the registration form above.

How much does Little First Aiders cost?

It’s an entirely free program! We believe that all children should have access to life-saving skills and knowledge.

What should the students wear to the session?

As there are some practical elements to the program, and we encourage practising their new skills, we recommend comfortable, casual clothing like a sports uniform.

How long does the booking last?

You’ll have access to the course the entire calendar month. Your login code allows anyone in the school to access the program.

What role does the classroom teacher play in the online course?

A teacher is required to present the program in the classroom, and we recommend using one screen for all students to watch at the same time. Once your booking is confirmed, a user guide will be provided to guide you through teaching the program. It will take less than an hour to complete the program!

How do I navigate the online platform?

On your dashboard, click ‘my learning’. Choose which stage you would like to complete, then follow the order below:

        1. Learn first aid skills in the classroom

        2. Test your skills in the playground

        3. Download your certificate

How long does the session go for?

The online program will take less than an hour to complete.

We’re a Child Safe Organisation

Protecting and promoting the wellbeing of children and young people is central to our culture and the way we operate. We are proud that St John Ambulance NSW is a Child Wise accredited Organisation.

Child Wise is an internationally recognised accreditation that is led by the Australian Childhood Foundation to assesses how organisations are performing against the national standards of child safety.

St John Ambulance NSW is committed to continuing to provide a safe space for all children and young people, whether they are learning lifesaving skills, volunteering with us or present to us in a medical emergency.

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